My Korean Husband

Intercultural Life

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Getting Cold


Oh no! It’s time for the 깔깔이 again! Though hopefully not just yet… it’s not too cold at the moment. When this actually happened I said “no longer be sexually attracted to you” but I dropped the word “sexually” so it was more family friendly.

This jacket has been in comics HERE and HERE.

So although he has an aversion to military clothing because finished his national duty may years ago… he still wears this jacket because it is warm and free.

Make sure you subscribe to our new VLOGGING CHANNEL!


We have started a new YouTube channel! This one is (almost) daily vlogs so you can see a lot more of what we do. Sometimes it’s hard to vlog on our main YouTube channel because we have to have some sort of storyline to them and they still take a lot of editing. But on our vlogging channel it’s more just point and shoot and upload. We won’t be worrying too much about editing or music. We hope you guys like them. We can show you a lot more stuff this way, though we won’t always be looking our best…. sorry!

Here is our first vlog on the new channel, which is called Nicholalala.

Make sure you subscribe!!! There will be many more videos coming!

CL Song


멘붕 is an abbreviation of 멘탈 붕괴 which means something like being really shocked and not even being able to think in that moment. It is often translated as “mental breakdown” in English which I don’t think is the best translation. Mental breakdown in English can still very much mean a very serious mental state that needs hospitalisation and completely disrupts someone’s life. Sometimes when I see translations and it’s translated into “I had a mental breakdown”… well they didn’t really, not how we might think in English, they were just very shocked in that moment, more like a WTF moment.

On a lighter note, it still sounds like “man boob” to me.

In other news: we just passed 12 thousand subscribers on YouTube! Thank you everyone. If you want to see all our videos, make sure you SUBSCRIBE.



We were talking about respectful terms for in-laws and what my siblings should call him if they were Korean. I told him he could ask them to call him that, but he thinks they are “too naughty” and wouldn’t.

Understanding cultural differences is so important! What he deems “naughty” is pretty normal behaviour in Australia because ours values differ. Something seen as good, such as an easy and casual way of speaking regardless of someone’s age, can be offensive in Korea. He knows it’s just cultural difference, but he still likes to say they are naughty… especially when he sees my youngest brother pat my father on the head. Shock, horror!

What a nice!…Tea House

We show you a tea house in Jinju that we like to go to. Modern cafes can be quite noisy with too many people and loud music but a tea house like this is a very relaxing place to hang out in. Maybe we are just showing our age?

This new segment where we show you food (and drinks) in Korea is called “What a nice!…Food”. I think Mr Gwon wants to show you barbecued intestines next. Does anyone want to see that?

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