My Korean Husband

Intercultural Life

Page 121 of 269

Nice Spelling

Nice Spelling

He has an email address like “Korai123” that was his spelling of Korea back before he could speak English. Because he edits and exports the videos, he also names the files and there are many interesting names and spellings…

No Vlogs

No vlogs

One of the reasons why I decided to start the vlogging channel is because I enjoy many other YouTubers who also have vlogging channels. So sometimes I’m waiting to see their vlogs… but hypocritically I haven’t always uploaded my vlog either… oops.

Sleep Forever

Sleep Forever

This might not seem that funny now but we were so tired when this happened and giggled for ages. The only requirement was to wake up…

Check out yesterday’s vlog:

Kpop Group Name

Kpop Group Name

Well he wouldn’t be the first to name a Kpop group after himself…. (I’m looking at you Jackie Chan), but he seems to think he would be in the group too!

I asked Sophie and Chloe what they think is a good name for a Kpop group but they only gave me rude names that I won’t repeat here…

What about you? What would you name a Kpop group? Which ones do you think are good names and which ones are terrible?

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