My Korean Husband

Intercultural Life

Page 114 of 269

Changing for the Countryside

Change for the Countryside (800x800)

Our life is a bit strange now because we can go to Seoul for a weekend and hang out with very cool people and have some amazing experiences and then we come back to the countryside and literally back to a rural village full of old people.

While it’s not like we dress up a lot in Seoul, something as simple as a spiky earring can be worn in Seoul but Mr Gwon is not comfortable wearing it around his friends out in the countryside. Especially friends he grew up with. Right away they make comments on it and tell him it’s stupid. People wear completely different clothes out here and can be more judgmental if it doesn’t fit in with what they think is good. Being a huge city, Seoul is a place where people can really experiment with fashion, but it’s pretty different in other areas of Korea.

The funniest aspect of this is that Mr Gwon’s countryside friends will try to dictate to him what is fashionable at the moment. One friend told him that his haircut is out of fashion now and that is was fashionable 2 years ago. Never mind that many people, including celebrities, have this type of haircut right now or that it’s about what suits the face more than what is considered cool, these friends seem to want to force everyone else to dress like them.

Have you had experiences like this? Have you moved away and when you’ve come back to your hometown people want to criticise what you are wearing and how you look?

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