My Korean Husband

Intercultural Life

Page 112 of 269

Leave the plastic on

Leave the plastic on

This has been an ongoing argument. Even though I ripped it off, he has now stuck the crumpled plastic back on the heater. Oh look how new it is again! I’m sure we can sell it for full retail price!!!………….. not.

What type of person are you? My hands itch to take the plastic off things, but Mr Gwon always wants to leave the plastic on as long as possible. I can’t stand how untidy it looks having plastic on things but he insists it will stay new if the plastic is left on.

Speaker’s Corner and vlog

We are in this video! There is a really cool video booth at the You Are Here Cafe.

Yesterday’s vlog is only about Hugh going to a friend’s wedding. Would you like to see more of him vlogging? I can’t guarantee that it won’t just be food…

Korean Traffic

Korean Traffic

I’ve been living in Korea for almost 1 year but I’m still not used to Korean traffic or how unsafe it is for pedestrians . We almost got mowed down by a church van, but as Mr Gwon pointed out, once they hit us and kill us it would be convenient if they drove us to heaven too.


We talk about the Korean drama “Modern Farmer” and what we think about it. No major spoilers.

I do most of the talking because I actually sat down and wrote an essay about the drama after discussions with Hugh about it. Therefore it was easier for me to talk about it. Also, he is so hungry in this video so all he is thinking about is food.



Thanks for making me seem like a bad person!

Actually when we went there was NO ONE. We had the cinema to ourselves until one guy came in late. We also vlogged about it in yesterday’s vlog:



This reminds me of that scene in The Simpsons:

Homer: I’m like that guy. That Spanish guy. You know, he fought the windmill…
Marge: Don Quixote?
Homer: No, that’s not it. What’s-his-name, the Man of La Mancha.
Marge: Don Quixote.
Homer: No!
Marge: I really think that was the character’s name. Don Quixote.
Homer: Fine! I’ll look it up! (Goes to look it up).
Marge: Well, who was it?
Homer: Nevermind.

Yup, pretty much. He wasn’t saying “Okay, you were right,” he was saying “Okay” angrily because he didn’t want to admit I was right! hehe.

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