My Korean Husband

Intercultural Life

Page 104 of 269

Stinky Foreign Food

This Commenting on Comments video is a bit late because I’ve been sick.

Also something I forgot to mention is- yes we are still waiting on the publishing company. Departments have been shuffled around and changed so we now have a different design team.. so yup, still waiting…

Date Night

Date Night

I was just joking and knew there was no Jinju Tower… maybe one day there will be!

This is what we really did for our date night. We finally had some time off and went into Jinju for dinner and a movie. You can see a bit of it in our vlog:

Subscribe to our vlogging channel if you want to see more videos of our daily life.

Also Haven’t

Also Haven't

The problem with working at home is that your morning routine kinda blends with your work, checking emails while eating breakfast, moving onto other work and realising you haven’t even brushed your teeth yet.

My inlaws hate the smell of my basil pesto and Parmesan cheese. It’s interesting to be the foreigner with the stinky food..

(We did go brush our teeth after this moment).

What strong smelling food do you have in your country?

Number 1 Son

Number 1 Son

Hierarchy in Korean families is much more obvious. I always wonder what Hugh would be like if he had a brother older than him, or even one younger than him. He only has one younger sister (who he is very bossy to).

I’m the eldest out of my siblings but it doesn’t mean much in Australian culture. I never really feel older or that I have any power over my siblings.

Being the only son of course automatically means he is “Number 1 Son” which is a position in Korean society that has a lot of benefits and it’s normal for his mother to dote on him. So when he wants to eat something in particular – he gets it! I notice a big drop in the quality and quantity of dinner when he is not at home. When he goes out with friends, his mother doesn’t bother too much and we just eat ramen or some rice and side dishes. Sometimes it bothers me that his parents don’t eat as well when he isn’t there because I think they deserve nice food as well, and need to look after their health. But it’s so normal here for parents to put their children first. Even their adult married sons.

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