Intercultural Life

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Korea and IE

This was something that confused me. South Korea is so technologically advanced and internet savvy, I couldn’t work out why every Korean I knew was using IE. Not only the fact that IE is acknowledged to be the worst browser, but also that Koreans seemed to have no variety when it came to browsers.

I realise why now, thanks to a friend who sent me this article. Internet Explorer becomes Korean election issue by Phil Muncaster.


Microsoft’s Internet Explorer market share may soon take a tumble in South Korea if presidential candidate Ahn Cheol-soo wins looming elections. The hot seat hopeful plans to abolish an anachronistic government crypto standard which has effectively locked users into Internet Explorer for over a decade.

At the tail end of the 1990s, the Korean government decided in its wisdom to develop a home-grown 128-bit SSL encryption standard to increase security around e-commerce.

SEED, as it was known, was then mandated for all online transactions.

The only problem with this new system was that it requires users to install Microsoft ActiveX plug-in to work and therefore needs Internet Explorer.

The result: a decade-long monopoly for IE as banking, shopping and other transactional sites were optimised specifically and exclusively for the Microsoft browser.


Read the rest of the article.

Now it makes sense! Koreans have been forced into using IE and because of that, many do not know that there are much better browsers to use when they are outside of Korea. Which is why many Koreans will still use IE even when in places like Australia, because they just haven’t thought about using a different one.

Well you learn something new every day.

(By the way, the first panel in the comic is a lie. Korean boys in internet cafes in Korea never look at me. While I might get stared at a lot walking on the streets, inside the hazy, smokey internet cafes no one even notices the tall blonde Caucasian woman cursing at IE, because they are so focused on gaming).

Did You See

It’s sweet that he asks me if I have seen new photos of GD (though 90% of the time I’ve already seen them), but I’m only allowed to look at them for a short amount of time! Yeah… we all know about his jealously of GD.


Vote For Me Please

Hey guys I’ve entered the Big Bang Design Contest. I’d really really love it if you could vote for my design here:

I drew my design from scratch and went for an old school game vibe.

Here is my design:

Actually I’d really like to win the Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 for my husband. Of course winning tickets to a Big Bang concert would be awesome, but I have seen them in a mini concert in Korea before, so it would be cool if a fan who had never seen them won that. So please please vote for my design so I can try and get third place haha. I realise the designs that were entered earlier have already got so many votes, I should have entered earlier but I was drawing by hand so it just took so long and been so busy…

Thanks everyone!

Psy on Sunrise in Australia

Today I saw Psy! He flew into Australia yesterday morning and was on the X Factor last night and was on a morning TV show called Sunrise this morning. Sunrise is filmed not far from where we live so of course I took this chance to get a glimpse of Psy.

I went with a Korean friend who only arrived in Australia last week – it’s kinda bizarre for her to see a Korean popstar in Australia. The problem was that because it’s morning TV we had to get their really early and got up at 4am to go where it’s filmed. My husband decided because of his work schedule that he couldn’t go as he’d be too tired for work. He now really regrets that decision. There weren’t that many people when we arrived so we got second row but very soon it got really crowded. We had no idea how many people were behind us. The crowd was really hyped up and was so excited to see Psy. The backup dancers did a sound check first and it was funny to recognise some of their faces, then Psy did a quick sound check. It was amazing to see him in the flesh and his clothing was hilarious.

Getting ready for Psy

Construction workers waiting for Psy

There were even people in the surrounding buildings waiting for Psy. These construction workers were hanging out in front of the windows waiting to see Psy and not working (when do you ever see them working in Australia anyway?)

Finally after a few hours of waiting: Psy!

Check out the back of his costume:

His backup dancers are awesome.

They interviewed him as well. Psy can speak English but I always get a bit tense and hold my breath a bit when he is being interviewed because he is not exactly fluent and I know how difficult English can be for Korean speakers. I also cringe when people use slang or words I know a Korean is not likely to understand because I’m so used to modifying my own speech that those words become glaringly obvious to me. He did really well though, obviously was prepared and knew what he was going to say.

The hosts also seemed to really enjoy him being there and got into the spirit of it.

I’ve been to other Kpop things before. I went to the Kpop Fest last year. What I did notice was the difference in the crowd, there were was a huge range of people there. Usually Kpop draws a crowd of young Asian Australians, people like me who have a connection to Korean culture, Koreans who happen to be in Australia at the time, and other young Australians who have got into Kpop for whatever reasons. While those groups were all represented there today there was a much bigger range of people. I also overheard the teenage girls behind me talking about how they had discovered Big Bang 🙂

Pic of crowd

Psy is such an amazing performer. He said he doesn’t really care if Gangnam Style is just a one hit wonder in other countries because this is amazing and he is having fun. But you can see the difference between him and other one hit wonders. He has been in the music industry and a performer for years. He is so professional, he knows how to work the crowd, he has more to give. Hopefully he’ll be more than just a one hit wonder, but if he is, he still has a very successful career in Korea.

You can see from these photos how close we were. I really didn’t want to be on TV but was kinda inevitable because of our position. A friend texted me a photo they took of their TV where I was definitely visible. Nooooo! Looking at the clips though, I think I did manage to avoid being seen too much.

It wasn’t just one performance of Gangnam Style and that’s all. There was the sound checks, the main performance, the interview and an encore performance. Psy also chatted a bit while waiting on stage. It was well worth the early morning and the wait.

Even after people were crowding around trying to see him as he left.

So why didn’t my husband go? Good question. He was concerned about being too tired for work and not being able to see much because of a big crowd. Psy will also be performing at one of the venues in his work place so he thought he’d get a chance to see him then. Now he realises he should have come this morning. We were so close and this was free! By the time he realised that it was too late as the crowd was already so big and he would have missed most of it anyway. He is kicking himself though. Seriously, he is moping around all depressed right now. This was an opportunity to see Psy perform and maybe he’ll never get another opportunity like this. He may glimpse Psy at work tomorrow but he won’t be able to enjoy it like we enjoyed it today. Silly silly boy.

So, that was my experience!

Here is a video:

edit: just changed link to the tv show’s website.

Youtube comments are usually pretty stupid. I noticed some comments saying the crowd was dead- really not true. On camera people look like they are doing nothing but actually people were dancing and getting into it. Also the camera is panning the whole audience and the people at the back probably can’t see much. Definitely at the front people were going crazy AND this was early in the morning. Also people were SCREAMING out the lyrics but of course we don’t have microphones so that sound isn’t always picked up as well. It was an amazing vibe! It’s just you can’t always convey that well on camera. I should just never read youtube comments I think….

Psy will be going to so many countries over the next 6 months! If you get a chance, definitely try to see him!

Fan Mail

These drawings are from Patrycja who is from Poland but is living in France right now. She chats with my husband about cookies sometimes haha.

hehehe Thanks! This is true, he loves cookies so much.

He had a nice birthday, well birthdays…. the day before what I consider his birthday was his lunar calender birthday which is what many Koreans consider the real birthday.

Yay delicious dumplings! How exciting!

And this package is from CYah! She lives in Brunei, which is part of the island Borneo. I have been to Borneo, but the Indonesian part, when I did some volunteer work at a Sun Bear sanctuary there. I saw the proboscis monkeys there, which are so cool, so she has seen me a toy one. Proboscis monkeys are only found in Borneo. So cute!

Look at all the lovely things. Now I will have to visit Brunei! Thank you so much!

(That’s my husband’s Snoopy in the background).


I asked what kind of ninja wears yellow rubber gloves and he said “A special ninja!”

Sunday was our cleaning day. We don’t have much space so it gets cluttered very quickly.

When we first moved in the bathroom was really dirty. I don’t think the previous people cleaned it at all, so we had to do a massive clean and remove all the mould. So gross. We make sure we keep it clean now. I’m not letting that mould come back.

We divide the cleaning up so we can get it done quickly and then go to our friend’s place and eat samgupsal! Yay!

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