Intercultural Life

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Eat Your Kimchi Interview – Part 2

Part 2 of our interview with Eat Your Kimchi! We talk about advertising, what their families think and they answer a few questions from readers!


Click here for the first part of this interview.

nicthumb (80x32)How do you feel when people use adblock or tell other people to use adblock?


simonthumb1 (80x29)It’s something we understand from a consumer’s perspective because ads are very obtrusive and they do ruin the experience and it’s something that I wish wasn’t necessary-

martinathumb (90x30)Well okay, we’re trying to think of a way… because I understand that. I read a lot of manga online and it has obnoxious ads everywhere and I’m like “I shouldn’t but…” and I’ll block them so I can actually read it. But we’re trying to think of something now, which we saw from another YouTube website, where it allows you to remove the ads and stuff from our website but people have to pay once per year – like $5 or $10 or something.

simonthumb1 (80x29)I know that it sucks, like I’d rather offer everything for free but you can’t operate that way, so we are trying to find a way to create a better user experience for people.

martinathumb (90x30)But it gives them a choice-


simonthumb1 (80x29)If they are interested. Like a premium version.


martinathumb (90x30)Like if they don’t mind ads and it doesn’t bother them then go for it: it’s free. And we are actually very careful with our ads, like we don’t want ads coming up like “Date sexy Korean girls”. So we know our advertisers and we are trying to think of a way to help people that don’t want the ads.

simonthumb1 (80x29)And some people have complained about some of the ads that are generated. Like some of them are generated ads and we have an advertiser manager and when we hear a complaint we are like “Well this ad was offensive can you remove that ad?” Because we can’t see every single ad, every country has different ads. So we understand you (to the fans)… we just wish you didn’t…. *laughs*

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Kpop Comments – VIXX Hyde

Kpop comments

This is a new segment on our YouTube channel! My husband doesn’t watch much new Kpop, so in these videos he watches a new release music video and makes some comments on it! Often when I’m watching new Kpop he makes very quick judgements like “They are stupid”, but by sitting him down and forcing him to watch the videos I think he may discover that he actually likes some songs…

First up we have VIXX with Hyde.

If you have a suggestion, leave a comment on here or any of the social media.

Wonji Food Videos

Two short videos on some food we ate in Korea. This is at Wonji, which is a small town near where my husband lives. But even small towns in Korea have many many restaurants.


Vlog 7 – Working on Farm

We’ve been trying to help my husband’s parents as much as we can on their farm. Usually it’s just the two of them and everything takes a long time. When there are four people working things get done a lot faster.

So many of the elderly women in the town would walk by and tell me that I shouldn’t be working. They would criticise my in-laws for “forcing” me to work. One tried to tell my husband that they should be paying me. But marrying into a Korean family, I should be helping! My parents make my husband help with stuff when we are in my home town, so of course I’ll help his parents.

Camera Men

EBS camera men

Yup, this happened.

Tomorrow should be our last day of filming and then I can go back to being a boring person who spends most of her time on the internet and not pretending to always be out doing things.

K-pop Family

Kpop Family

He always has to point out when someone has the same family name as us. Though… it’s always cool people, I haven’t seen him point out, “Oh he is Gwon family… he is axe murderer!”

SBS PopAsia is an Australian digital radio station and music video show on TV. (Note: This is different to SBS in Korea). They play music from Asia, though the majority of it is Kpop. It is awesome to be in Australia and turn on the TV, just normal free to air tv, and see Korean music videos.

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