Intercultural Life

Category: Sophie and Han (Page 3 of 4)

Update and Vlog

We’ve been quiet this week because we’ve been super busy getting ready to go to Australia, as well as dealing with some health problems (everything is fine, don’t worry) and we had some visitors!

Subscribe to the vlogging channel! More than just vlogs will be coming to this channel soon. And an announcement soon! Stay tuned!

Sophie’s Blog

Click here for Sophie’s Blog

Hi, Sophie here!

Since Han and I appeared together with our daughter Alice on My Korean Husband, many people have asked about whether we will raise Alice as a bilingual and how we plan to do so. The answer is definitely yes, but the method may require a little explanation.

When Alice was born, friends and relatives told me that the best way for a baby to become bilingual is if one parent speaks one language, the other parent, the other language (OPOL method) I think this method is very successful when the primary caregiver is also the speaker of the minority language since the child gets maximum exposure to both languages. In our family’s case I am the primary caregiver and also the speaker of the majority language, how could I give Alice enough exposure and context to speak Korean as well as English? We decided we’d both speak to her only in Korean.

I’ve got Korean textbooks for travel, business, student life and even domestic life, but none of them teach the language of raising babies, or the little elements of culture and play that are handed down through generations of mothers.

I’ve decided to try and fill this gap through my blog:
I will share all the characteristic grammar, expressions, essential vocabulary and Korean family culture and manners that I have gradually learnt parenting Alice.
I will also discuss other elements of family culture, Korean ettiquette and maybe share some of my experiences as Han’s wife, Alice’s mum and as a Korean family’s daughter in law.




Blogging is full time for us. He takes on the boss/manager role and he is quite good at it. He keeps track better than I do. If I had a job title it would probably be Creative Director. I do most of the creative stuff and guide the way things look but I do need someone to organise me. He also acts like a manager in regards to working with the publishing company and stuff for the book.

HOWEVER, sometimes he is not good at putting the pressure on himself. You’ll notice there isn’t a Mr Gwon Time video every week. Sometimes we are genuinely so busy that we can’t. Other times he has left it to the last minute and then just wants to skip it. But on days that I say I want to skip doing a comic… the look he gives me!

Anyway, you guys should always harass him about that! Or at least give him some good ideas. Help him get into a creative mind.

So what about others involved in the blog? What are their jobs? Sophie does a lot of creative stuff with me. We sometimes work together thinking about video ideas and scripting and she occasionally does comics.

Han… well Han is just talent. He isn’t involved in video ideas and setting up. He is literally the star that just walks on set and goes in front of the camera.  We’ll have to wait and see what roles Daniel (and his girlfriend Chloe) fit into. Though I think it’s pretty clear that Daniel is eye candy talent. Though maybe he has some other skills too!

Speaking of Han and Sophie. Even though they are in Australia they are going to film a video answering your questions, so leave some questions for them in the comment section.

Tired on the bus

Tired on the bus

We’ve been super busy lately and came back from Seoul last night. We did some filming with Han and Sophie here and then we travelled to Seoul together. For those that don’t follow us on Instagram here are some of the photos.

On the bus to Seoul


Han on the bus.

Han on bus

Waiting to meet with the publishing company. Walking around with Alice.

Han and Hugh

We stopped by the Eat Your Kimchi studio and Martina gave Alice this game. You may have seen it in a video before.


Sophie and Alice out on Saturday night in Ilsun.

Sophie and Alice

Alice watching some buskers.

Buskers and Alice

The boys after Saturday night drinking, wearing ahjumma pants. Mr Gwon, Han and Daniel (Daniel will be in some videos later this year).

Ahjumma Boys

The boys with Alice on Sunday

Han Hugh Alice

Unfortunately we didn’t get to do all the filming that we wanted to get done with Han and Sophie. Sophie and I didn’t get to film our videos because of time, illness and family commitments, but we are determined to get them back to Korea this year so we can do more stuff together. They fly back to Sydney tomorrow.

Dol Celebrations

Dol Celebrations

(Woolies is Woolworths, a major Australian supermarket).

Han and Sophie’s daughter Alice had her first birthday celebrations (돌) on the weekend. It’s a very big thing in Korea! They are a lot of fun but my husband realised how much work they are. They are more like a wedding than actual modern Korean weddings are (way more fun as well).

He was only joking about not doing them for our children, of course we have to. Sophie also pointed out that once we have a baby he is going to think his child is the best in the world and do everything for them! First birthdays are huge events but they are also well catered for. You book the package deal you want and it’s held at a special hall with a buffet and an MC and everything is provided.

I’m sure once we have a baby he is going to think we need to do much more than just buy a supermarket cake!

Here is a photo from the celebrations.

dol celebrations

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