Intercultural Life

Category: Random silly (Page 27 of 31)

Playing a game

Playing a game

He has started playing a game called Kritika. He thinks he can multi-task, but he can’t.

He is not a really serious gamer and although it can annoy me sometimes I guess it could be worse. He names his characters after me or this blog so if you ever come across a character called Nichola or MKH something in a game… it might be him.

I’ll be back in Sydney tomorrow 🙂



I was thinking about food…

Sometimes when he is being romantic and spontaneous I just make my face as blank as possible to see how much he will actually do to get a reaction from me. I thought I won this time but he walked away completely happy… so maybe no one won.

Beauty and the Beast Pillow

Beast Pillow

I think the Beast will need therapy after the horrors he has seen. There was a slight bit of translation so his mother knew what I was saying and her response was that he should at least put underwear on. I’ve mentioned this before, but yes the Beauty and the Beast pillow is his.

He does try to stop me making these type of comics sometimes because at first he will be like, “Nooo! People will think I’m a pervert or something!” But really his nudity is so childlike. You know how in hot weather 2 year olds take off all their clothes? We share an apartment and the couple we live with don’t seem to understand the word “share” so although technically we have a right to use the living space, we aren’t really allowed to, so we spend most of our time in our room. Sometimes I think his nudity is a reaction to that. Okay we live with not very nice people but he is making the most of our own space by deliberately being naked.

Naked all the time

Sorry if this post is a bit rambling. Had very little sleep and just spent 7 hours on a train.

New Giveaways

Throw GD

A very quick comic today sorry. I was quite sick last night and was just going to use a backup comic today but thought I’d just draw what happened this morning instead.

My husband’s sister and her boyfriend arrived in Australia this morning. They gave me so many presents like clothes and makeup and A LOT of dried seaweed! But they also gave me a bunch of stuff for giveaways. Things like socks, pencil cases, mini notepads, calenders. My husband was unimpressed with the GD ones haha. These days I can’t even tell if he is joking or actually really annoyed and jealous of GD.

Anyway, the GD stuff isn’t for me! So there should be some nice giveaways coming up soon. Stay tuned.



He got me good. He had the wig because people were given them at an event at his workplace.

You know when you realise it’s not someone to not be scared of, but your body is slow at realising that? Like right away my brain is like, “Oh it’s just him” but my body was like “AHHHHHH SCARY!” It took me a little while to calm down.

So at the moment he is winning the scaring game.



Simon and Martina (from Eat Your Kimchi) reblogged this on Tumblr. Yay! Made my day.

He does the same thing to me though. He will be doing something online and say something like, “What?! Omg!” and I’ll be like “What? What?” and he will pause and then finally it’s something like…. “Jackie Chan lived in Korea for 2 years when he was younger.” That’s all?





That would have been bad….

Apparently people who work in haunted houses and are dressed up as something scary can get punched a lot. Because of the ‘fight or flight’ thing when scared…. some people choose ‘fight’ and will react by punching. I’m definitely more of a ‘flight’ person and will scream and run away.

Years ago, one of my siblings hid under a bed and when my mother walked past they reached out and grabbed her foot. She shrieked hysterically. Seriously, that’s scary! Have you scared your family members before, or have they scared you?

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