Intercultural Life

Category: Random silly (Page 26 of 31)



Do you do this? He says he does it all the time, but I really don’t make that mistake. Maybe because I’m a woman and have my shower routine perfected. I don’t know… but there will often be yelling from the shower as he rubs shampoo on his face accidentally.



He really doesn’t like the Gwiyomi song.

If you don’t know what it is…. I might leave it up to others in the comments to explain. 🙂

Aww Nice Comments


Cheeky! And a hypocrite because he makes fun of me responding to comments and then the next moment is like, “I have to go talk to my fans!” and goes on his Facebook Page.

When I started my blog I never thought I’d get such lovely comments and that people would enjoy my blog so much, so I really really appreciate all your comments.

Ow My…

Ow my

Another word came after ‘my’ but I had to cut it. I do have to check with my husband sometimes if I can make a comic about certain things. There are times when he just says no. I do understand, my website is for a general audience and we can’t have anything too extreme. Also family members are reading as well.

But, sometimes he does or says very funny things but they are slightly inappropriate. I do sometimes envy cartoonists who make webcomics and can have sexual references without any problems. It’s not like I want to do anything extreme, just really normal stuff, but I do need to be concious of the audience. My husband quite frequently reminds me that I do have a big Korean audience and Korean culture is more conservative.

I can’t find it now but I saw a really great web comic the other week about a time travelling boy who goes back in time to when his parents are about to make love (and make him) but of course him being there is awkward and it’s not going to happen, so he starts to fade away. I thought it was brilliant and the sexual references used perfectly without offending. If anyone can find that one, let me know.

It is a cultural difference that comes up sometimes, the difference between Australian and Korean humour and what is appropriate or not. And also maybe my parents are reading. Stop reading Mum!


Too Many Comments

Too many comments

Guys…. he is obsessed with his Facebook fanpage. He really tries to answer all the comments but I think there will come a point where he just can’t. He is on it before he goes to bed at night and gets up earlier than me to go on it because he is excited to talk to people and to share his favourite music.

He has always been more social than me, he LOVES talking to people, but I do think he will have to slow up at some point. These days I can’t reply to all the comments on the blog, Facebook, Tumblr and Twitter. I read every single one but if I replied to all my head might explode and I’d have no time to do anything else. I’m really sorry that I can’t always reply.

I think part of the reason why he loves having a fanpage is because he has realised that people actually like him and like talking to him. When the blog suddenly got a lot of attention and was on Naver and all that, although the online attention we got was positive, in our personal lives we got a lot of negativity, especially from some of my husband’s friends. I think it all came down to jealously but unfortunately it was expressed in ways that hurt my husband. A few friends in particular were very clear that they believed this success was only because of me, and that my husband was just lucky that he married me and they resented him for getting popular from doing nothing.

The thing is… this blog is ABOUT my husband. If I wasn’t with him I would never have started it. He is my inspiration and my muse. He is the one still working while I blog, even though I don’t earn money yet. I can only do this because of him. Not only that, but it’s becoming a joint project now. My husband is the one who will be doing the editing of videos for our YouTube channel and we have big plans for the future.

Anyway I just want to thank everyone for interacting with him because it makes him excited and happy and makes him feel a part of all this now.

Facebook Fan Page

Facebook Fan Page

He is really enjoying having his own fan page. Before I was just the only one interacting with readers of the blog but now he can and he loves socialising. He likes talking to people and sharing music that he likes.

But… he is usually sitting there in his underwear when talking to you guys.

You can see his Facebook page HERE.



Need Help

Need Help

Gym? What’s a gym?………..Oh a gym!

One of the kinda cool things about having a very different childhood to my husband is that he has no idea about the classic The Simpsons quotes most Australians my age seem to know. So I get to explain them to him or get him to watch them and see him laugh at them for the first time.

Seriously though, I don’t go into gyms and I would seriously need help with how to draw a gym (or copy something from Google images). What is his gym story? You’ll just have to wait and see.

I often have to draw things that happened when I wasn’t there and he has no idea how hard that is. I think most people don’t know unless they draw as well. The person telling the idea has some clear image in their head that they think they can adequately explain…. but they can’t, and meanwhile the person who has to draw it is sitting there thinking, “There are a hundred different ways I could draw that vague thing you explained so don’t blame me when it doesn’t look how you want.”

I draw some pictures for my husband’s blog and he can drive me crazy with how he describes things. Or sometimes it’s just way too much for what is supposed to be a simple picture. Like the other day he wanted “a busy Sydney street with me walking down it, and everyone is wearing these kinds of clothes but I’m wearing these kinds of clothes but it needs to look like Sydney so draw the bridge and the Opera House and everything too”.

Yeah, no. I drew some squiggles in the skyline and told him that’s all I’m adding.

I never really run out of comic ideas, I always have a bunch in my head or written down, it’s just thinking of one appropriate for that day or what I feel like drawing on that day. For example, I may have an idea for a longer comic but if I drew a longer one yesterday, I will usually try to think of quicker and shorter for today. Also I haven’t been with my husband for the past few days so that can limit what I can do as well, because I don’t have my muse here.


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