Intercultural Life

Category: Random silly (Page 25 of 31)

Yes Sir

Yes Sir

Now your perception of what is rude in this comic might be different depending what culture you are from. You may think that him calling me a pig and making pig noises is the rude thing, or you may think me whacking him with a towel is the rudest (I changed it from hitting his head so it wouldn’t be too rude). One of the reasons why trying to understand cultural differences is important.

Mr Gwon does get into really rude and cheeky moods sometimes. He will say “Yes Sir” sometimes when I get bossy because he knows it annoys me. Then he further annoyed me by saying my pet name is pig, even though I know it’s cute in Korean, I know he is doing it to get a reaction because he added the pig noises. It’s very different from when he lovingly calls me his honey pig other times. He also knew that I was likely to whack him with something too. So I got my revenge when he cried “ouchies” like a little kid. Then we had a good laugh.

Making Music

Making Music

Always the optimist. He doesn’t play an instrument or anything… he just has a decent voice. Though… he could probably write better English lyrics than SM Entertainment…



He would never throw anything at me ever… but he did giggle to himself after he made that joke.

He wanted the wig for a skit or something… I don’t know… something we haven’t even planned yet. But I threw it out a while ago because we don’t have much space here. It was just a cheap free one. Some people have asked what we’d like them to send us in a package, well that’s something you can send to him! A crappy wig… haha.

Shower Music

Shower Music

Some people can have this idea that if you have a Korean boyfriend or husband that it will be non-stop listening to Kpop. Yeah…. probably not. Often he likes to listen to music I’d rather never hear again. We did compromise this time though, he listened to old Korean pop music instead.



He always has the music going while he is in the shower and I can usually hear him singing. Probably not a good idea to continue the singing while shaving his face though…

EDIT: Usually I check with my husband before I upload comics but he was at the gym when I drew this one and I uploaded it right away. I was slightly concerned that he wouldn’t like it because it’s showing him doing something stupid. He just came home and saw it and said it was wrong… not the cutting himself while shaving because he was singing… but because he is wearing clothes in it! He says he was naked when this happened. But I get a bit sick of drawing him naked.

Your Face

Your Face

I don’t do it all the time, but I haven’t kicked the habit totally. When did this start? The 90’s? Well shows how old I am. Did people do this before then? Let me know. Or let me know other annoying things from your childhood. (Remember in the 90’s always finishing a sentence with “NOT!”)

It’s supposed to be when one person says something like, “This movie is so annoying.” and the other person says “YOUR FACE is so annoying!”

So that’s kinda funny…. or not funny if you are my sister. She hates when I do it.

My husband knows how it’s supposed to work and gets it right most of the time, but sometimes just ends up giving me a compliment instead of making fun.

Running Shoes

Running Shoes

I hate the gym. I don’t even go to a proper gym, I’ll just go down to the tiny one in our apartment building. I’d rather go for a walk or a swim instead of use gym equipment. My husband however, goes to Fitness First. Not because he likes Fitness First but because one you sign up they never let you leave!!! He does like going to classes in the gym though… “spin class” “body pump class”… all sounds horrible to me!

I’ll use any excuse not to go. Shoes are back in the wardrobe, way too much effort to get them out again.

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