Intercultural Life

Category: Random silly (Page 24 of 31)

Googling Yourself


Actually he was on Naver…. so that’s navering??? I think he said in Korean they say something more like, “Ask Naver.”

He does check to see where our stuff does show up. Some people talk about us on blogs. Some positive, some dumb comments of course… it’s the internet. Because this blog is all in English he does keep an eye on what is said in Korean or what gets translated. We do get a lot of Korean visitors interested but don’t have the English skills to understand the comics. When the comic book is released in Korea next year they’ll be able to read them though.




Actually it reminds me of the ‘lik dis if you cry everytim’ meme, except I didn’t die after he said no.




Yup, I went and got the scissors and then turn around and he had already stripped for his haircut….what? I’m only cutting the hair on his head!

I have trimmed his hair before and it was fine but this time…. it wasn’t fine! It was bad! Our schedules are so messed up that he doesn’t have much time to go to a hair salon so he wanted me to cut it. Wrong choice.

Super Glue

Super glue

The other day Mr Gwon was using super glue and it still ended up on my fingers! Some dripped out onto the chair and I put my fingers right where it was. Worst feeling.

Have you ever had a bad situation with super glue?

Free Candy

Free Candy

Mr Gwon is the type of person where if there is something free he will take 10 of it. He used to say that he was taking the candy for me but it’s now become clear that it was just an excuse, because even when I don’t want it he’ll take it!

I always feel bad taking more than 1 but he will easily take so many, even with the restaurant employees watching.

Phone Credit

Phone Credit

I know he likes to be thanked properly for nice things he does so I’m always concious of thanking him…. but perhaps now I overdo it a bit. Especially when he is having a nap before going to work.


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