Intercultural Life

Category: Random silly (Page 23 of 31)

Joke Backfire


AND we had a good laugh after that! That will teach me to think before I say “Your face” jokes.

A sense of humour is very important in a marriage!

Trying To Work

Trying to work

When you were young, what did you think it would be like to be an adult? I remember thinking I’d be serious all the time and drink wine and eat cheese. The reality of being an adult and being married is quite different to what I thought. I didn’t think I’d be trying to get some work done while my husband tries to get my attention by pretending to be a zombie.

I’m not complaining though.

Cold Feet

Cold Feet

As I’m uploading this right now he is complaining that his feet are cold but he is not wearing socks. I told him to “go put socks on” and he just mimicked it back to me, “Put socks on!” I’m wearing socks. My feet are warm. Don’t know why he has an aversion to socks lately.

Saturday Night

Saturday Night)

Oh poor Mr Social Butterfly had nothing to do on Saturday night but it’s okay when I have nothing to do because I don’t have any friends! This is a good example of not getting angry right away because something sounds mean. I laughed afterwards and so did my parents when they heard what he said because we know the cute way he can say things badly. It’s a good rule to always stop and think when your partner says something bad in their second language. Being quick to anger does not help in our relationship. And he spoke the truth!

Anyway, back in Sydney now.

My Keys

My Keys

This comic is up early because I’m travelling tomorrow.

He didn’t let me in for about 5 mins and just danced around while I stood there. Unfortunately he has my keys again and when we were talking on the phone earlier I asked if he was picking me up from the train station tomorrow and he said “…..maybe” and then laughed. I reminded him that he has my keys! And he just laughed again.

Remind me to never let him have my keys ever again.

What Privacy?

What Privacy

Maybe he is preparing me for when we have children and I have absolutely no bathroom privacy. Or he was just being a jerk.

My husband just said that many Korean guys do this (and probably not just Korean guys either). Haha, for those that want to marry a K-pop idol, I bet that’s not part of your fantasy.

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