Intercultural Life

Category: Random silly (Page 21 of 31)

Not a Morning Person

Not a morning person

My keys have keys for other things like the PO Box and the gym, and his keys are attached to his work badge, so sometimes he takes mine.

I don’t think I’m a horrible morning person, it’s just our mornings start at about 1 or 2pm and since it’s already afternoon people expect you to be functioning properly already. Give me some more time! I bet you can’t function as well as I can at 3am! Luckily my husband completely understands my dumb time until I’m ready for the day. It’s a little worrying when I’m replying to emails and comments in my dumb time though…

Speaking of tea, I do enjoy English Breakfast tea but mostly I drink Chai tea. Love it sooo much.

Kit Kats

Kit Kats

It all started because the big Kit Kat blocks were really cheap at the supermarket. Now every time I’m making a shopping list he says, “Kit Kat!” I refuse to buy them now.

He really likes the white chocolate or caramel Kit Kats. Does your country have unique Kit Kat flavours? I had wasabi flavour in Japan.

I also realised that Nestle makes Kit Kats everywhere in the world except the US where it’s Hersheys. That’s weird to me because Hersheys has such a different taste.




By the way Mr Gwon loves pugs soooo much. I have a labrador back home who we miss a lot. You can see her in the second Typhoon interview video.



He came home from work the other night and wandered around the apartment for a good while with his backpack still on but his jeans were already off.



Well at least he feels better about himself! He burnt himself because he was eating in the Korean style of just eating right out of the pot.

Our conversation can change dramatically where one minute we are being sickly sweet and lovey dovey and the next we’ll be like, “You are stupid!” “No, you are stupid!” Always just for fun though.

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