Intercultural Life

Category: Random silly (Page 20 of 31)

So Mature

So mature

This one should be rated M for Mature… or maybe I for immature.

We are staying with our friends for a little while. If you watch our videos – it’s Han (fake GD) and his wife. When we went for this walk we talked about how sometimes it’s like being married to a 10 year old boy. Completely immature sometimes, but they do make us laugh.

Butt Defensive

Butt Defensive

He said his shorts were too loose and he couldn’t keep them up.

While I was drawing this comic he looked at it and said, “You are drawing too much of my butt!”

I told him I’m drawing exactly how much he had hanging out when this happened. He replied, “Yeah… it’s too much.”

So now he knows what it looked like but at the time he was so defensive of his butt!

Put Your Name In

Put Your Name in

Do you remember writing your name in notebooks with a celebrity’s surname when you were younger? This probably only applies to girls… I’m sure I wrote “Nichola Hanson” as a teenager…




I asked him to clean while I did some work. Apparently he thinks cleaning is vacuuming aggressively right next to me and hitting my feet with the vacuum cleaner.




He is so jealous of GD that he already had his backup plan in case I do leave him for GD! He was going on about this while I was doing some other stuff so I wasn’t really paying attention. But then realised what he had said! I thought he would be like, “I’m going to runaway with Miranda Kerr or Emma Watson!” Instead he chose TOP. For those that don’t follow K-pop, TOP is in the same group as GD and sometimes they do stuff as a duo, which makes his choice extra funny.

When I told him I was going to make a comic about what he said, he gave me directions! “Draw us in Paris! Then draw us in the arctic! And then…”

Looks like he has it all planned. Should I be worried now?





Boys are gross! Stay away from them!

Anyway I proved to him that I could definitely see everything. I’m long sighted as well so I can see things in the distance very well. Many times I’ll be like, “Oh there is our friend.” And he will say, “Where? Where? Where?” And doesn’t see the person until they are up close. I’m pretty sure he needs his eyes checked too, but he is avoiding it. If in a year or two when I’ve forced him to do it, and he is now wearing glasses, link him back to his page so I can be like, “I told you so!”

Sleeping Position

Sleeping Position

He wasn’t happy when he woke up to the sound of me taking a photo!

He often sleeps with his legs up in the air somehow, but his favourite sleeping position is his hands behind his head and his elbow in my face…

What about you guys? Do you sleep weirdly? I’m usually just a side sleeper.


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