Intercultural Life

Category: Random silly (Page 18 of 31)

Beauty Guru

Beauty Guru

These type of emails are annoying because they aren’t exactly spam so don’t go into a spam filter and they waste your time. Unfortunately actual proposals and opportunities look very similar so I still need to check. I can see right away that they didn’t do any research and just sent this email off to a bunch of people because it wouldn’t take very long to realise that the only videos where we have used makeup is where we have abused it.

Not to mention the name of our channel and our email address… At first I was annoyed that they expect me to waste my time replying when they didn’t spend any time checking who we are, but the thought of Mr Gwon being a beauty guru made me laugh. If it wasn’t some dodgy “partnership” we have to sign up to maybe I would get him to review products!

Zebra Backpack

Zebra backpack

I have never owned a designer handbag or been interested in one, but I do have one weakness… G-Dragon. It was very smart of the brand J.ESTINA to get GD is promote their bags – which are for women. Check out some photos on BigBang Updates.

I was interested in this backpack but I knew it would be expensive, so I didn’t want Mr Gwon to see how expensive! Now if I was able to buy it myself I wouldn’t be able to hide the price! Damnit.

Though, to put it in perspective, it was still about a third of the price that Mr Gwon’s friends’ wives spend on one designer handbag.



No spoilers in the comments please.

Yup, this is his latest obsession. I was going to draw him just dancing around and singing but he insisted I draw him as Anna.

It’s really popular in Korea actually!

Also check out the comic I have on DramaFever.

Bird Love

Bird Love

How to annoy your husband: Ask questions that have no right answer.

Still organising our stuff here. I spent most of yesterday sleeping because we’ve had about a month of being super busy and my body just finally crashed. It’s been hard to draw comics as well because we don’t have a desk. We’ve ordered a long one where we can sit side by side and work together. It still feels like we are just on holiday though.

Folding Up

Folding Up

Rachael wasn’t ready when he yanked it like that.

If you aren’t sure who Rachael is, we’ve interviewed her before:

Big thank you to everyone who came to the meet up! Was so nice to see everyone.

There may not be as many comics this week because we are very busy preparing for our move to Korea. We are also filming as much stuff as we can, like the Ask Korean Guys videos because we won’t be able to see Han and Sophie for several months.

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