Intercultural Life

Category: Random silly (Page 17 of 31)

Don’t Forget To

Don't forget to

Anyone that does YouTube probably knows how important it is to tell people to subscribe to your channel. It makes a big difference and YouTube always recommends to do it (it’s called a ‘Call To Action’). Because we say it in almost every video it has sometimes leaked over to real life.

In case you were wondering- is Mr Gwon actually bossy and telling me what to do like this? Yes, he very much acts as my manager and reminds me what emails I have to reply to, what things I should be doing.

Don’t forget to subscribe!


We are resuming comics from today but we are not yet sure when we will start videos again.


He doesn’t like popcorn! Who doesn’t like popcorn?! I love popcorn but didn’t get it all the time in Australia because it’s ridiculously expensive at the cinema. It’s cheaper in Korea so I always want it. He hates it and gets dried squid instead. Popcorn is obviously not a high priority for him when we are rushing to go see a movie.

He has also become interested in fashion that is a bit “younger” than what his countryside friends wear which is why he was stopping to look at snapbacks. When he sees his friends here they comment that he still looks like a university student. Meanwhile his friends have settling into more middle aged style of clothing and have aged more due to heavy smoking and drinking.

Can’t Sleep

Can't Sleep

Okay I have Tumblr, I know there are many people like this. Hands up all you light sleepers! When you lay next to someone who just falls asleep effortlessly don’t you just want to punch them in the face?

I have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome too so I NEED lots of sleep but it’s so hard to get. I don’t always think about embarrassing moments when trying to sleep but I have been lately. Stress maybe?

I try to have good sleep hygiene but it’s hard when we work, film and sleep in the same room. And blinking lights!!! All the blinking lights! Meanwhile my husband can fall asleep with even the main lights on.

I have very very vivid dreams as well so it’s hard to feel rested. I did read recently that people who remember their dreams in detail are people who wake up a lot through the night so what they were dreaming sticks in their memory. If you have trouble sleeping, Korea can be hard sometimes, there is a lot of noise, even in the countryside. Also the bedding situation may not be exactly what you are used to. Sleeping areas aren’t as designated as in Western culture. It can be hard to have that perfect place where all you do is sleep.

Don’t Believe

Don't Believe

He was fooled by a headline saying The Avengers filming had moved from Seoul to Japan… I got through the whole day not believing anything! And then I got to 1am and stupidly thought something was real… damnit.

Did you fall for anything yesterday? Were you fooled?



He found them while searching through some stuff in the house here.

Some people will know what movie he is quoting, and some people won’t 🙂

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