Intercultural Life

Category: Learning English (Page 5 of 8)

On My Purpose

On My Purpose


I’ve mentioned before that I don’t always correct his English, but these days when I do he can get quite cheeky and insist he said it the right way the first time. He says, “On my purpose” all the time though! It’s one of the things I do try to correct but it’s also one of the things he insists he says right, but even when he is trying to convince me he said it right, he’ll say it wrong!

When he is in a cheeky mood he does warn me though. When I’m learning a lot more Korean he says he is going to correct me all the time…. and laugh at me. Great….


In other news, my husband’s sister and her boyfriend are arriving in Australia tomorrow to do their working holidays, so they could stay in Australia for 1 or 2 years. Back in Korea, my mother-in-law is quite sad because all her children have left 🙁 . I hope she feels a bit better when we visit soon.

Crappy Creepy

Crappy Creepy

I accumulate so many coins in my purse. I don’t care but it annoys him so every now and then he’ll count them out like that.

He has been saying “crappy” like “creepy” a lot lately and it always sounds funny because it can completely change the meaning.

I often read a blog called Crappy Pictures which is a funny parenting blog. But when my husband refers to it he always says “Creepy Pictures” which sounds really wrong! Especially when it’s such a cute, funny blog.

Does anyone else hate using coins and having to count out the right number while the shop assistant is waiting? My husband often scolds me when I just use a note to pay for something when I obviously had enough in coins. And then I get even more coins from the change.

Naver Stop

Naver Stop

If you weren’t aware, Naver is the search portal most South Koreans use. Which is why a lot of Koreans look at me oddly when I say “Google it” or “I was googling….” Koreans also watch a lot of videos on Naver so Youtube videos of Kpop groups on Youtube are not always representative of what is actually popular in Korea.

Anyway, my husband has been giggling lately at Koreans thinking that “naver” is how “never” is spelled. A Korean soccer player also did it on Cyworld (yet another just Korean thing) and wrote “naver stop” instead of “never stop”. I think my husband thinks it’s funny because they must think that the big website they all use means “never” in English.

Kakao Story is connected to Kakao Talk (instant messaging service on phones) which is Korean but anyone can use it. My husband is always on there. I don’t use it though because I have to manage so many social networks for this blog, I don’t need another one!

Mangled Sayings

Mangled SayingsI know he was thinking of the saying “What’s the magic word?” Which of course the answer to is ‘please’. However, I had already said please by then so he ended up saying… whatever that was… as he handed me the water. Doesn’t help that he was on Kakao Talk at the same time.

What sayings have you said wrong? Or heard someone else get wrong?



He swears he never really thought the train announcement was this, but I distinctly remember him saying he thought it was this…. for a long time haha. Now that his English is better he conveniently forgets the problems he had before.

What things have you misheard and not even realised you heard wrong for a long time? It can happen even in your own language and then one day it all becomes clear… and it’s like “Ohhh!”

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