Intercultural Life

Category: Baby (Page 4 of 6)

Making a mini supermarket

Making a mini supermarket for our toddler

Making this video was fun! We made a mini supermarket for our son Yul. Being an Emart sponsored video, we decided to buy real products for him to “buy” and play with. Emart have been awesome to work with and have let us create the videos we want to create.

Yul is at an age where is starting to copy so many things he sees adults doing. I thought he’d have a lot of fun in a mini supermarket. Watch the video to see his reaction!

Hosed Off: Australian Parenting?

This happened while in Australia. Yul would play in water almost every single day and he particularly liked played with the garden hose. Hugh discovered the parenting secret of just hosing your kid down in the backyard instead of going to the trouble of giving them a proper bath.

Yul didn’t mind.

First Snow of the Season!

Last Saturday we had the first snow of the season in Seoul. Last winter Yul was just a tiny little baby so didn’t see any snow. This was the first time he had really seen snow falling. He was quite fascinated by it. The snow was mostly gone by the end of the day but I hope we get some more soon so he can play in it.


Australian Baby Food VS Korean Baby Food

In this Emart collab video both Hugh and I make baby food for Yul. I made something Australian and Hugh made Korean baby food. We had to go to Emart to buy the ingredients and then we cooked at home. Yul tried both and he liked one better! Watch the video to find out what he liked!


Zucchini and carrot slice:

5 eggs
1 zucchini
1 carrot
1 onion
1 cup self-raising flour
1 cup cheese (grated)
1/3 cup olive oil

Preheat oven to 180°C
Grate zucchini and squeeze out excess liquid.
Grate carrot.
Finely chop onion.
In a bowl, whisk eggs. Add zucchini, onion, carrot, cheese, sifted flour, oil and mix together.
Grease baking tray with a bit of oil. Put into a baking tray or tin.
Bake in oven for 40 mins or until golden brown.

Hugh’s recipe: Beef and Seaweed rice porridge:

Rice 70g
beef 35g
seaweed 45g
sesame oil 1 spoon
280ml water

Cook together on stove for 15 mins and leave to cool for 5 mins.


Korean recipes are much more about ‘feeling’ what is the right measurement and how long to cook for. But for an Australian recipe like zucchini slice, exact measurements are pretty important.

The slice that I made is quite different from what Korean babies that age would eat. Rice porridge “juk” is the main thing babies and toddlers eat. It can have a huge range of ingredients so they are getting all their nutrients, but it is a mushy food fed with a spoon. When Yul eats something that isn’t baby food like that, we have him do ‘self feeding’ which is a style of feeding and parenting where he can touch and play with the food and also feed himself. He has been experimenting with spoons and chopsticks, even though he’ll resort to his fingers mostly. These days he eats a lot of the same things we eat as well.

Low Furniture

Hugh’s parents’ house is traditional in the sense that most of the living is done down on the floor, so the furniture is very low. This means so many things are in easy reach for a baby! Our apartment in Seoul is more baby proofed so we can relax a bit, but when we went back for Chuseok we had to be “on” the whole time. Yul wanted to touch EVERYTHING! Of course it was all tempting, but so many dangerous things around. Someone had to be hovering above him at all times. In comparison, Hugh’s sister has a modern apartment and it’s a lot easier when we visit her as it’s safer for Yul to crawl around.

I’ve been told that because of the low furniture in Korea parents often resort to walkers for babies to keep them contained, so they can’t reach as much, but they are frowned upon in other countries and outright banned in some as they can be dangerous. So we’ll just have to be super careful while we visit in the countryside.

But seriously, babies want to touch EVERYTHING!

Kids Books

In Korea people tend to be open about certain bodily functions, more than western countries. For example, several romantic dramas will still have a scene where the lead female character is constipated or has diarrhoea. This openness shows a lot in children entertainment, with many TV shows having songs about poop and many kids’ books being about pooping.

I was browsing the book store because I wanted to buy out baby Yul a new book. So many just seemed to be about poop, pooping and butts! I found one I thought was just about different modes of transportation but it turned out it was a book to HELP kids poop. The different transportation sounds help relax kids I guess?

Please send me some non-poop books! haha

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