Intercultural Life

Category: Australia (Page 15 of 22)

Body Pump

Body Pump Class

That will teach him to not underestimate women. I remember he was sore for days after that.

Have you done a body pump class before? They sound like hell to me…. lifting weight in time to terrible music.



My husband doesn’t like mint in anything sweet. I’ve met a lot of Koreans like that too. I had an awkward experience one time when hanging out with some Korean girls in Sydney and we wanted to buy some chocolate biscuits (cookies if you are American). They told me that I could choose…. so I chose some mint chocolate ones that are very popular in Australia. We got back to the apartment, planning to sit around and chat and eat and one of the girls took a bite of a biscuit and was like “Is this mint???!!” Then no one ate any of the biscuits and they sat awkwardly on the table for a long time. Koreans, let me know in the comment section, do you like mint in sweet foods? Are there any Korean sweet snacks or desserts with mint?

The mint thing does cause some disagreements for us. If we are choosing an icecream flavour at the supermarket I usually want mint choc chip (my favourite) but he refuses to eat it, so we usually settle on chocolate or caramel (his favourite).

I bought a packet of Mint Slice the other day, and I’ve been, not so slowly, making my way through the whole pack. He isn’t going to touch them!

Kicked Out

Kicked Out

Our internet is terrible, not only because Australian internet is no where near as good as Korea’s internet, but unfortunately the apartment we live in has such bad internet and it’s out of our control. We are just counting down until we can move. So yeah, I’m a blogger with bad internet!

When he plays this game he never chats to anyone else so the Korean guys playing it in Korea think he is a foreigner and call him “that Chinese guy”. They have no idea he is actually Korean and can read everything they are saying.

So because the internet is just so bad here sometimes he can’t keep up with the others and then can’t kill the monsters quick enough, so they kick him out. Awww.

Easter Eggs

Easter Eggs

It didn’t feel like Easter this year. Usually we are both with my family and have a really nice weekend. On the Friday we usually have a nice seafood meal, my sister makes a great seafood paella, and on Sunday we have a roast dinner and lots of chocolate. I like hiding our Easter chocolate, it was fun when we were little kids and now as adults it just pisses us off when someone hides all the chocolate- which makes it funny.

Unfortunately we didn’t have our usual Easter as my parents only just came back from their trip to Japan and my husband was working. Since we still share an apartment we don’t really have the freedom to have a nice Easter dinner and besides from eating a lot of hot cross buns, we didn’t do much else. So it was nice when a friend gave us some chocolate eggs.

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Hot Cross Buns

hot cross buns

Have you had hot cross buns before? Around Easter they are everywhere here. They are for Easter so obviously those that live somewhere that doesn’t celebrate Easter is unlikely to eat them…. but I think the also USA isn’t as big on them as much the UK and Australia is. According to Wikipedia Australia is one of the only countries to make chocolate hot cross buns ones as well as the normal ones.

My husband loves the chocolate ones. He saw them in the supermarket a month ago but I didn’t let him buy them because it was too early. He bought them yesterday and was pretty excited. The chocolate ones are nice but I think I prefer the original ones. I’ve also seen on some commercials there are sticky date ones available now, but I haven’t tried those ones yet.

We aren’t having an Easter dinner with my family this year unfortunately. Normally we all come together for the Easter weekend but my parents get back from Japan Saturday night and my husband is working over the weekend. We’ll have to do something just by ourselves on Sunday night I think… and give each other lots of chocolate eggs. Yay! Chocolate!

Need Help

Need Help

Gym? What’s a gym?………..Oh a gym!

One of the kinda cool things about having a very different childhood to my husband is that he has no idea about the classic The Simpsons quotes most Australians my age seem to know. So I get to explain them to him or get him to watch them and see him laugh at them for the first time.

Seriously though, I don’t go into gyms and I would seriously need help with how to draw a gym (or copy something from Google images). What is his gym story? You’ll just have to wait and see.

I often have to draw things that happened when I wasn’t there and he has no idea how hard that is. I think most people don’t know unless they draw as well. The person telling the idea has some clear image in their head that they think they can adequately explain…. but they can’t, and meanwhile the person who has to draw it is sitting there thinking, “There are a hundred different ways I could draw that vague thing you explained so don’t blame me when it doesn’t look how you want.”

I draw some pictures for my husband’s blog and he can drive me crazy with how he describes things. Or sometimes it’s just way too much for what is supposed to be a simple picture. Like the other day he wanted “a busy Sydney street with me walking down it, and everyone is wearing these kinds of clothes but I’m wearing these kinds of clothes but it needs to look like Sydney so draw the bridge and the Opera House and everything too”.

Yeah, no. I drew some squiggles in the skyline and told him that’s all I’m adding.

I never really run out of comic ideas, I always have a bunch in my head or written down, it’s just thinking of one appropriate for that day or what I feel like drawing on that day. For example, I may have an idea for a longer comic but if I drew a longer one yesterday, I will usually try to think of quicker and shorter for today. Also I haven’t been with my husband for the past few days so that can limit what I can do as well, because I don’t have my muse here.


School Excursion Kids

School Excursion

He was not happy! He has gone back to Sydney for work but I’m just staying in my home town for a few more days. He caught the train yesterday and there were soo many school kids on it because they were on a school excursion. We say ‘school excursion’ in Australia, but I think in the U.S. it’s ‘field trip’?

Anyway, he had to sit next to these kids for about 6 hours! He called me when he got to Sydney and said he didn’t talk to them because “they are evil.” They tried to talk to him of course, but he ignored them. He has had experience with naughty Australian children before, so he knew if he talked to them, they would realise he has a different accent. Then they’ll make fun of it or try to get him to says lots of things so they can be rude to him. He likes young children and babies, but school age children can just be so feral.

He gets angrier at naughty children than I do because he is the one from a hierarchical society. Of course children can be very naughty in Korea too, but the way Australian children can behave makes him even angrier.

He said when the kids were finally getting off the train, the teacher was herding them off and said to him, “Come on, get off the train,” thinking he was one of the kids. She then looked properly and saw that is was a very angry Asian man (it’s not like he is very small either!) and was embarrassed and apologised.

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