Intercultural Life

Category: Australia (Page 14 of 22)



Okay so why would someone ask something like this? Because it actually happens a lot here. A lot of fake marriages for visas happen. Of course my husband was offended that his co-worker assumed that his marriage was fake, because there are lots of love matches too where people end up with residency as well.

When we were putting our visa together we had to have soooo much evidence, it was very invasive and time consuming. And while we were doing it I was constantly reminded that we had to show so much evidence because of the people who have fake marriages.

So why do people do it? Some people just desperately want to live in Australia and some people just will do anything for money. A friend of mine knew a guy who was in his 20’s but paid a 40 year old Australian woman to marry him. We know  of lots of other incidents as well. It makes me angry and frustrated that those people who do it just make it harder for everyone that is in a genuine and committed relationship.

Because immigration has the huge job of sorting through partner visa applications, trying to decide which is real and which is fake, it takes longer for everyone and basically those with genuine relationships have their lives are on hold while they wait.

I honestly don’t know how people manage it. You get reviewed after 2 years and have to prove you are in a committed and ongoing relationship, but somehow people manage to fake it.

In conclusion, it’s not nice when people assume that because I’m an Australian woman that my husband must have paid to marry me and our marriage is a sham.

I hope anyone who has seen our blog can see our relationship is very real 🙂

In Asian Supermarket

Asian Supermarket


I like a lot of Japanese food and try to cook some at home. Since it’s easy enough to get real Japanese ingredients in Sydney I try to buy them. Some Korean ingredients can be very similar to Japanese ones so my husband thinks I should just use the Korean ones.

He doesn’t outright call me a traitor, but I kinda sense it in his exasperated voice!


YOU CAN WATCH US ON EBS HERE! Sorry there isn’t English subtitles but I do speak in English in it.

(If there is a pop up window just click okay and then click play again, the whole show should play).

Autumn Leaves

Autumn Leaves

I’m pretty sure they weren’t actually maple leaves, but just similar looking.

It’s autumn here, so it’s getting cold and miserable. Our seasons aren’t as extreme as some other countries. Only some places in Australia get snow, and Sydney definitely doesn’t. Not all the trees change either, but many trees planted along streets are introduced species so they lose their leaves when it gets colder.

He has actually picked up the heart shaped leaves to give to me before. Very sweet.

Giant Towels

Giant Towels

It has been a bit depressing being back in Australia so we’ve made a point of thinking of things we like about Australia. Real savoury bread everywhere, living near the harbour… stuff like that. The bathroom situation is definitely something I like here a lot more. I do like having more closed in showers where the floor doesn’t get really wet, and nice bathmats so there is no need for plastic slippers.

I forgot to pack a bigger towel when we went to Korea so had to use the tiny towels until we stole a slightly bigger one from a hotel.

My brother who has just moved back to Australia from Japan is so used to the tiny towels that he went and bought some to use in Australia because that is what he likes now.

What is something you really appreciate about your country when you come home from travelling?

(Also, we have a PO Box now so people can send us mail. It’s in the contact section. We are also about to film a Q&A video, so if you have any last minute questions, leave them in the comment section!)


My Korean Husband goes to Strathfield


There are a bunch of areas in Sydney with Korean populations.We just wanted to show you guys one of these areas. Some people have commented about their own countries and how it is difficult to get Korean things there, so we wanted show why Sydney is such a good place for us to live as a couple that aims to be bi-cultural.

Usually we frequent the Korea Town in the Sydney CBD, which we also call ‘The City’. Strathfield is just a short train ride away but there is a different feel compared to the city. Koreans in the city are usually on working holiday or student visas and between the age of 20 and 30 but Strathfield is a more established Korean community with Korean people of all ages. You can see in the video there are clothes stores catering to older Korean women which you don’t see in our area.

I did notice a slight difference to how people looked at us. In the city there are many interracial couples so we don’t get much of a second glance usually, but in Strathfield I felt people looked at us a bit more, that we were a bit more unusual.

We went My Sweet Memory Cafe and Doo Ri Korean Restuarant.

Also, the reason why we have another video up so soon is because we had this video and the Secret Garden video ready and edited but we were just waiting for the music. Don’t expect a new video every second day! hehe. We will probably settle into a schedule of one going out and doing something video and one inside question and answer video a week when we get back from Korea. We are planning on doing some short vlogs while in Korea though.

We started out with just some simple trips for the first few videos while we get used to being on camera and editing but we’ll gradually do more exciting things. You can give us suggestions too! What would you like to see?


The Secret Garden

This garden originally was just a piece of land owned by New South Wales Rail Corp. It was not being used for anything except a dumping ground for rubbish. Wendy Whitely was the wife of Australian artist of Brett Whitely (who died in 1992). She is an artist in her own right and has created a really beautiful garden. It is open to the public every day but can be hard to find if you have never been there.

There are a few entrances to the garden. We found Lavender street first and found it that way, but we exited out the entrance that was the path that goes past Luna Park.

It is a really nice place, especially if it’s a hot day as it is very enclosed and shady.There are lots of really nice gardens in Sydney but this one is a little bit different. Because it’s cared for by Wendy Whitely and not a council it is a little wilder and with a much more natural design. It has a subtropical rainforest feel to it and if you are really into plants, I’m sure there are many really interesting ones here.

We are really lucky to have a friend do the editing for us and a friend to make the music (JackManFriday). We did edit a few things out that I can share here but maybe not on YouTube. There was more discussion about what switching bodies like in the drama Secret Garden would involve (certain body parts in particular) and those moths and bugs getting a bit frisky? My husband asked, “Are they having love?” I’m not sure what they were doing! Were they “having love”?

Hope you guys enjoyed seeing a little bit of Sydney.



Anzac Day

He remembers which day is Anzac Day for two reasons, it is 2 days after the date that he first arrived in Australia years ago, so he remembers seeing the parade, and he loves Anzac biscuits (cookies). For me time is just going too fast! How is it Anzac day again already??

Anzac Day is a public holiday and a national day of remembrance for Australia and New Zealand. Originally it was to honour the members of the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps (which is where ‘ANZAC’ comes from) who fought at Gallipoli in World War I. Now Anzac day is also for commemorating all that served in military operations.

It is tradition to eat Anzac biscuits on Anzac day which supposedly are similar to what wives sent their husbands when the husbands were away at war. There are a lot more in the supermarket right now because of Anzac Day. We actually won’t be in Australia for Anzac day this year, but usually I would make some at home.

When we actually have a decent oven I think I’ll have to make a batch. Home made ones are so much better than supermarket ones.


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