Hi guys,
As it’s Sunday today, no comic but you can ask questions or suggest post topics. Just leave a comment here or on any of the social media.
Also, if you are interested in doing a guest post, please let me know at mykoreanhusband@gmail.com. If you are in a similar situation to my husband and I and would like to share your experiences please let me know.
I’m still visiting my parents and I’m still in summer mode. I can’t remember when I last brushed my hair. Seriously it looks like this:
Yup that’s me right now. Unfortunately my husband is in Sydney working 🙁 That’s one of the reasons why I’m staying a while in my home town, because he doesn’t have much time off at the moment so we wouldn’t be able to be together as much if I was in Sydney anyway.
So he isn’t getting much of a summer holiday, BUT we are planning on going back to Vanuatu later in the year. We are hoping to film that as well. We are working towards starting videos by April. We want to do things properly so we are taking the time to organise properly. We don’t want to just upload crappy home videos, we want to show you some interesting things, for example: my husband experiencing Australian culture, me experiencing Korean culture, what it’s like for Koreans living in Australia, interviews with Koreans here, lots of things. So that’s the plan at the moment. Fingers crossed!
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