Intercultural Life

Month: April 2014 (Page 4 of 6)

2 Year Anniversary Winners

2 year giveaway

The first prize winner is Nora 노라 who wins the above prize pack and a signed comic!

Second winner is Ru Zhu

Third prize winner is Lovie Sumler

Both second and third prize winners get a signed comic of their choice.

Can those winners please contact me at [email protected]


Can’t Sleep

Can't Sleep

Okay I have Tumblr, I know there are many people like this. Hands up all you light sleepers! When you lay next to someone who just falls asleep effortlessly don’t you just want to punch them in the face?

I have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome too so I NEED lots of sleep but it’s so hard to get. I don’t always think about embarrassing moments when trying to sleep but I have been lately. Stress maybe?

I try to have good sleep hygiene but it’s hard when we work, film and sleep in the same room. And blinking lights!!! All the blinking lights! Meanwhile my husband can fall asleep with even the main lights on.

I have very very vivid dreams as well so it’s hard to feel rested. I did read recently that people who remember their dreams in detail are people who wake up a lot through the night so what they were dreaming sticks in their memory. If you have trouble sleeping, Korea can be hard sometimes, there is a lot of noise, even in the countryside. Also the bedding situation may not be exactly what you are used to. Sleeping areas aren’t as designated as in Western culture. It can be hard to have that perfect place where all you do is sleep.

The Way You Are Saying it


The Way You Are Saying It

At least he tells me things maybe a teacher wouldn’t! My Korean study somewhat stalled because of how busy we have been. I’m not at a conversational level where I can learn just by talking and listening, especially when everyone around me is speaking dialect quickly. It’s also hard to get my husband to speak to me in Korean as he always just naturally defaults to English all the time. I’m not giving up though and want to study every day. We are going to have to have days where no English is allowed.

MGT – Bus Travel and Car Accidents

While subtitling this we talked about what actually happened to the guy in the car accident. We searched online and couldn’t find out if he ever came out of the coma, but we did find a news article about the “missing Korean tourists”. One of those being my husband! He didn’t know until today that people had searched for him for 7 hours! Even though it was back in 2006, big thank you to those who searched and were concerned.

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