Intercultural Life

Month: January 2014 (Page 5 of 5)

Swimming Etiquette

Swimming Etiquette

Whenever I tell other Australians this they always say, “Yes that is bad etiquette!”

It’s not fun getting out of the water, being cold, and then finding your towel is wet because it’s been used by someone else. Even if it was your husband… or maybe, especially if it was your husband! These days I usually go back and get his towel so he doesn’t use mine. He has a nice big beach towel to use – we all do – but apparently carrying it to the pool or beach is just too much effort!

Summer Holidays

Here is a bit of footage from our summer Christmas holiday. We’ve mentioned before that my husband is not a confident swimmer and a bit scared of the water. Korea doesn’t have a swimming culture like Australia does. However, it was great to see my husband gain confidence in the water while we were there.

My brother the drummer

Recently someone filmed my brother busking with his bucket drums and that video got over a million views.

This video:

I’ve been bugging him to make a YouTube channel for a while and he finally did.


Those those curious about him. He is a drummer and plays in several bands as well as busking (street performance) in Sydney. He uses buckets to simulate the sound of real drums. You can also like him on Facebook here.

Also, if you are Japanese or speak Japanese, you can write him a message in Japanese as he speaks it well (he studied at the Tokyo School of Music).



First he baits me, then he mimics me, then he predicts exactly what I’m going to say. So nice!

When we were on the coast the cicadas were so loud. Deafening in some places.

Do you have cicadas in your country? Have you been to another country and realised they sound different there? Cicadas in Australia make a different sound to the ones in Korea.


I’m sorry that I missed a few days of comics but I’m back on schedule now. Also we have filmed a lot recently so many videos coming soon!

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