Intercultural Life

Month: September 2013 (Page 5 of 6)

Mr Gwon’s Drawings


On Mr Gwon’s site What a Nice he shares funny things from about the internet, but he has also started drawing! He is still getting used to using a tablet to draw but it’s a great way for him to express himself and a way for you to see another side of him.

Most of you know that he is not a big EXO fan…. he still really hates Wolf… but it’s funny because people in real life are now asking him about it! Oh you EXO fans…. so…passionate!



Haha just joking. But I think “I’m a horseman” has replaced the KARA song for what he sings when dancing around and annoying me.

Here is the Kpop Music Monday where this misheard lyrics comes from:

AND Seungri’s music video Gotta Talk to You:

You can never unhear it!

Eat Your Kimchi in Sydney

So we had a very cool day! It’s 3am right now… but not sleeping yet. We have this very cool video to show you guys. I know a lot of our blog readers are Eat Your Kimchi fans (‘Nasties’) so we did a very special shout out for you. But what do you call someone who is a EYK fan and a MKH fan??? We worked it out:

We also did an interview with them and we’ll have a video about the event up sometime. They were SO SO nice and knew about our comics and it was all soooooo great!!! And unicorns and rainbows….and stuff…..

It will be cold

It will be cold

Stubborn! This happens pretty regularly. We haven’t had much of a winter in Sydney this year and we’ve had plenty of days where you hardly need long sleeves. But if you get caught outside without warmer clothes it can suck.



When you think it’s going to be a romantic moment like in a Korean drama and then it ends up like this…

But actually it’s a running joke because I get called “lucky pig” by his family because pigs are lucky in Korean culture. He is completely aware of the negative meaning in Western culture though so I’m sure he does stuff like this to annoy me.

K-pop Comments – G-Dragon COUP D’ETAT

We decided to do something slightly different for this epic music video. Lots of people have been analysing what this music video means and there has been some very detailed and intelligent discussion. Here is what we think it all means!

Taro Latte

Taro Latte

Then he asked the owner of the cafe (who is Korean) why there was no bear face on his latte! The owner was very apologetic and said it takes time and next time to please let them know that he wants it. I was embarrassed that he asked though!

However, the taro latte was really really nice! If you don’t know what taro is.. I’m not sure exactly how to explain… like a purple sweet potato? Anyway it’s used in some Asian desserts and is delicious.

There are more and more Korean style cafes popping up in Sydney and it’s really awesome.

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