Intercultural Life

Month: September 2012 (Page 1 of 6)


Erm… he shouldn’t try to be cool…

I visited my family for a few days and got back last night. It’s always nice to see him waiting for me at the train station.

GD One of a Kind Album giveaway

So all the names were written out and put in a box this time.

My husband is the one that picks a piece of paper out (without looking).

And the winner is:

Congratulations dewaanifordrama!

Send me an email at to claim your prize!

For everyone else who missed out: I do have some official G-Dragon posters to give away, if anyone is interested.

Eat! Eat!

Sorry, had to draw this one quickly because of traveling. In this incident not only had we already had dinner and were full when we joined others in a Korean restaurant, but the only thing they were eating was was stir fried intestines. I just can’t eat it, but a plate of it was put in front of me and I was urged to eat. Luckily my husband rescues me at times like this because I don’t want to be rude and not eat, but I just couldn’t stomach it. I love most of Korean food and I do try new things, but I do have limits. I’m grateful to him at times like these.

In another post I’ll show what he does to make sure I don’t have to drink too much soju.

Lunch Differences

When eating lunch at home we often eat something together, whether it be Western style or Asian style or a mix of both, but if we make lunch just for ourselves we can be quite different. I love my sandwiches, particular what we call ‘toasted cheese sandwiches’ here. He loves his Korean noodles and eats them on the floor, straight out of the pot (it’s a Korean thing apparently). I bet that’s what he is eating at home right now while I’m not there because he hates cooking anything more complicated than packet noodles. I’m at my parent’s house for a few days visiting but he has to stay in Sydney for work.

Let’s talk about food! What do you usually eat for lunch?

Talking to his parents

Oh boy…. I don’t like it when people hold a phone up to me and tell me to talk when I only have to speak in English… so having a phone held up to me and being told to speak in Korean is way worse! PANIC MODE!

I get blackmailed into it. It’s hard backing out of things in Korean culture! My husband will say things like “They just want to hear your voice. They miss you. My mother says that when she hears your voice all her aches and pains from working on the farm go away.”

How can I say no to that? Speaking shyly and softly hasn’t worked so well in the past because I end up having to repeat myself. So now I just panic and speak really loudly and just say a bunch of stuff. Luckily they don’t care and just like that I’m trying. Also they have the phone on speaker so I’m not damaging anyone’s ears… hopefully. But yes, his family is really really sweet.

The Force

…and I continue my stubborn belief that I can actually use The Force. This is a Star Wars reference in case you didn’t know ^_^

Shinee Giveaway

Time for a little SHINee giveaway.

You can win: 5 Shinee pairs of socks and a Shinee post it/notebook thing (not sure exactly how to describe it and can’t open it as it’s still in plastic).

All you have to do is leave a comment! A winner will be picked at random in 1 week.

Also, if you haven’t already, don’t forget to like My Korean Husband on Facebook or follow MyKoreanHusband on twitter.

(P.S. The G-dragon album giveaway will be drawn on Sunday).

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